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Text File | 2006-01-20 | 69.0 KB | 1,798 lines |
- #!/usr/bin/python -OO
- # wifi_radar.py
- # A wireless profile manager for X1000 Linux
- # http://x1000.bitbuilder.com
- #
- # Ahmad Baitalmal <ahmad@baitalmal.com>
- # This software is under the GPL license
- #
- # http://www.bitbuilder.com/wifi_radar
- # http://svn.bitbuilder.com
- #
- # See AUTHORS file for more contributors.
- #
- import time, os, signal, sys, re, ConfigParser, thread
- ####################################################################################################
- # Defaults, these may get overridden by values found in the conf file
- # The interface you use
- INTERFACE = "eth1"
- # How long should the scan last?
- # Should I speak up when connecting to a network? (If you have a speach command)
- SPEAK_UP = False
- # You may set this to true for cards that require a "commit" command with iwconfig
- # You may set this to true for cards that require the interface to be brought up first
- # Where the conf file is could be different for your distro.
- CONF_FILE = "/etc/wifi-radar.conf"
- IWLIST_COMMAND = "iwlist"
- IWCONFIG_COMMAND= "iwconfig"
- IFCONFIG_COMMAND= "ifconfig"
- ROUTE_COMMAND = "route"
- # X1000 Linux has a say command (text to speach) to accounce connecting to networks.
- # Set the SPEAK_UP to false if you do not have or want this.
- SAY_COMMAND = "say"
- # DHCP FUN :)
- # For distros that use dhcpcd
- DHCP_COMMAND = "dhcpcd"
- DHCP_KILL_COMMAND="dhcpcd -k"
- DHCP_ARGS = "-S -t %s -h `hostname` " % DHCP_TIMEOUT
- DHCP_PIDFILE = "/var/run/dhcpcd-%s.pid" % INTERFACE
- # For distros that use dhclient
- # DHCP_COMMAND = "/sbin/dhclient" % DHCP_TIMEOUT
- # DHCP_ARGS = "-1 -q -pf " + DHCP_PIDFILE
- # DHCP_PIDFILE = "/var/run/dhcpcd-wifi.pid"
- WPA_SUPPLICANT_COMMAND = "/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant"
- WPA_SUPPLICANT_CONF="/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf"
- WPA_DRIVER="ipw"
- WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE = "/var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid"
- #####################################
- # Labels
- USE_DHCP_LABEL = "Automatic network configuration (DHCP)"
- USE_IP_LABEL = "Manual network configuration"
- WIFI_SET_LABEL = "WiFi Options"
- POSTPRE_LABEL = "Connection Commands"
- WIFI_MODES = [ '', 'auto', 'Managed', 'Ad-Hoc', 'Master', 'Repeater', 'Secondary', 'Monitor' ]
- WIFI_SECURITY = [ '', 'open', 'restricted' ]
- WIFI_CHANNELS = [ '', 'auto', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14' ]
- ####################################################################################################
- ####################################################################################################
- ####################################################################################################
- # Scan for a limited time, return ap names found
- def scanning_thread( lock = None ):
- global access_points
- global main_radar_window
- global exit_flag
- global current_ip
- global current_ssid
- # Setup our essid pattern matcher
- essid_pattern = re.compile( "ESSID\s*(:|=)\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", re.I | re.M | re.S )
- protocol_pattern = re.compile( "Protocol\s*(:|=)\s*IEEE 802.11\s*([abg]+)", re.I | re.M | re.S )
- mode_pattern = re.compile( "Mode\s*(:|=)\s*([^\n]+)", re.I | re.M | re.S )
- enckey_pattern = re.compile( "Encryption key\s*(:|=)\s*(on|off)", re.I | re.M | re.S )
- signal_pattern = re.compile( "Signal level\s*(:|=)\s*-?([0-9]+)", re.I | re.M | re.S )
- # Access points we find will be added to the access_points dictionary
- scan_command = "%s %s scan" % ( IWLIST_COMMAND, INTERFACE )
- # Some cards neet to have the interface up to scan
- trial = 0
- while True:
- # reset the signal strengths
- if __debug__:
- print ".",
- # Read data
- f = os.popen( scan_command, "r" )
- scandata = f.read()
- f.close()
- # get the current ip
- curr_ip = get_current_ip()
- if __debug__:
- print "Got current IP ", curr_ip
- if curr_ip:
- current_ip = curr_ip
- else:
- current_ip = 'None'
- # get the current ssid
- curr_ssid = get_current_ssid()
- if __debug__:
- print "Got current SSID ", curr_ssid
- if curr_ssid:
- current_ssid = curr_ssid
- else:
- current_ssid = 'None'
- # we may not be running in a thread
- try:
- lock.acquire()
- except:
- trial = trial + 1
- if trial > int( SCAN_TIMEOUT ):
- return
- if exit_flag:
- if __debug__:
- print "Ending scan"
- thread.exit()
- return
- for ap in access_points:
- access_points[ ap ]['signal'] = '0'
- # split the scan data based on the address
- hits = scandata.split( '- Address:' )
- for hit in hits:
- foundvalues = False
- apname = ''
- protocol = 'b'
- mode = ''
- encrypted = 'off'
- signal = '0'
- m = essid_pattern.search( hit )
- if m:
- # we found an ssid
- foundvalues = True
- apname = m.groups()[1]
- m = protocol_pattern.search( hit )
- if m:
- protocol = m.groups()[1]
- m = mode_pattern.search( hit )
- if m:
- mode = m.groups()[1]
- m = enckey_pattern.search( hit )
- if m:
- encrypted = m.groups()[1]
- m = signal_pattern.search( hit )
- if m:
- signal = m.groups()[1]
- # Set the values we found
- if access_points.has_key( apname ):
- # We know this ssid, make it available
- access_points[ apname ]['available'] = True
- else:
- # Add it to the available networks
- ap = {}
- ap['known'] = False
- ap['available'] = True
- access_points[ apname ] = ap
- access_points[ apname ]['protocol'] = protocol
- access_points[ apname ]['mode'] = mode
- access_points[ apname ]['encrypted']= ( encrypted == 'on' )
- access_points[ apname ]['signal'] = signal
- try: lock.release()
- except: pass
- time.sleep( 0.5 )
- return
- # Connects to the first matching network
- def connect_to_preferred():
- global access_points
- global auto_profile_order
- found_one = False
- for ssid in auto_profile_order:
- ssid = ssid.strip()
- if access_points.has_key( ssid ) \
- and access_points[ ssid ]['known'] \
- and access_points[ ssid ]['available']:
- found_one = True
- connect_to_network( ssid, None )
- break
- if not found_one:
- say( "No preferred network found" )
- if __debug__:
- print " No preferred network found"
- print access_points
- def get_current_ip():
- """Returns the current IP if any by calling ifconfig"""
- ifconfig_info = os.popen( IFCONFIG_COMMAND + " " + INTERFACE, 'r' )
- # Be careful to the language (inet adr: in French for example)
- ip_re = re.compile(r'inet ad?dr:([^.]*\.[^.]*\.[^.]*\.[0-9]*)')
- for line in ifconfig_info:
- if ip_re.search( line ):
- return ip_re.search( line ).group(1)
- return False
- def get_current_ssid():
- """Returns the current SSID if any by calling iwconfig"""
- ifconfig_info = os.popen( IWCONFIG_COMMAND + " " + INTERFACE, 'r' )
- # Be careful to the language (inet adr: in French for example)
- essid_re = re.compile(r'ESSID\s*(:|=)\s*"([^"]*)"')
- for line in ifconfig_info:
- if essid_re.search( line ):
- return essid_re.search( line ).group(2)
- return False
- def connect_to_network( essid, status_win ):
- msg = "Connecting to the %s network" % essid
- say( msg )
- if __debug__:
- print " %s" % msg
- profile = get_profile_from_conf_file( essid )
- if not profile:
- if __debug__:
- print "Unknown SSID"
- say( "Unknown SSID" )
- return
- # ready to dance
- # Let's run the prescript
- prescript = profile['prescript']
- if prescript.strip() != '':
- # got something to execute
- if __debug__:
- print "executing prescript:", prescript
- os.system( prescript )
- # Some cards neet to have the interface up
- iwconfig_args = [ INTERFACE ]
- # Let's start with the ssid
- if __debug__:
- print "Setting essid ", essid
- iwconfig_args.append( 'essid' )
- iwconfig_args.append( '"%s"' % essid )
- iwconfig_args.append( 'nick' )
- iwconfig_args.append( '"%s"' % essid )
- #os.spawnlp( os.P_WAIT, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, INTERFACE, 'essid', "%s" % essid )
- # Now we do the key
- key = profile['key']
- security= profile['security']
- if key == '':
- key = 'off'
- else:
- key = "%s %s" % ( profile['security'], profile['key'], )
- if __debug__:
- print "Setting key ", key
- iwconfig_args.append( 'key' )
- iwconfig_args.append( key )
- # Now, the mode
- mode = profile['mode']
- if mode != '':
- if __debug__:
- print "Setting mode ", mode
- iwconfig_args.append( 'mode' )
- iwconfig_args.append( mode )
- # Now the channel
- channel = profile['channel']
- if channel != '':
- if __debug__:
- print "Setting channel ", channel
- #os.spawnlp( os.P_WAIT, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, INTERFACE, 'channel', channel )
- iwconfig_args.append( 'channel' )
- iwconfig_args.append( channel )
- # Some cards require a commit
- if __debug__:
- print "Setting commit "
- iwconfig_args.append( 'commit' )
- if __debug__:
- print "iwconfig_args %s " % ( iwconfig_args, )
- iwconfig_command = IWCONFIG_COMMAND + ' ' + ' '.join( iwconfig_args )
- #os.spawnvp( os.P_WAIT, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, iwconfig_args )
- if __debug__:
- print "iwconfig_command ", iwconfig_command
- os.system( iwconfig_command )
- # Now normal network stuff
- # Kill off any existing DHCP clients running
- if os.access( DHCP_PIDFILE, os.R_OK):
- if __debug__:
- print "Killing existing DHCP..."
- try:
- if not DHCP_KILL_COMMAND == '':
- os.kill( int(open(DHCP_PIDFILE, mode='r').readline()), signal.SIGTERM )
- except OSError:
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- os.remove( DHCP_PIDFILE )
- if os.path.isfile( DHCP_PIDFILE ):
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- os.remove( DHCP_PIDFILE )
- if os.access( WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE, os.R_OK):
- if __debug__:
- print "Killing existing WPA_SUPPLICANT..."
- try:
- os.kill( int(open(WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE, mode='r').readline()), signal.SIGTERM )
- except OSError:
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- if os.path.isfile( WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE ):
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- use_wpa = profile['use_wpa']
- if use_wpa :
- wpa_options = list()
- wpa_options.append( WPA_SUPPLICANT_COMMAND )
- wpa_args = WPA_SUPPLICANT_ARGS % ( INTERFACE, profile['wpa_driver'] )
- wpa_options.extend( wpa_args.split() )
- wpa_options.append( INTERFACE )
- if __debug__:
- print "WPA args: %s" % ( wpa_options, )
- if status_win:
- status_win.update_message("wpa supplicant")
- wpa_pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,WPA_SUPPLICANT_COMMAND, wpa_options)
- use_dhcp = profile['use_dhcp']
- if use_dhcp :
- dhcp_options = list()
- dhcp_options.append(DHCP_COMMAND)
- dhcp_options.extend(DHCP_ARGS.split())
- dhcp_options.append(INTERFACE)
- if __debug__:
- print "DHCP args: %s" % ( dhcp_options, )
- if status_win:
- status_win.update_message("Acquiring IP Address")
- dhcp_pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,DHCP_COMMAND, dhcp_options)
- timer = DHCP_TIMEOUT
- tick = 0.25
- while os.waitpid(dhcp_pid,os.WNOHANG) == (0,0):
- if timer < 0:
- os.kill( dhcp_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
- break
- if sys.modules.has_key("gtk"):
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration(False)
- timer -= tick
- time.sleep(tick)
- if not get_current_ip():
- if status_win:
- status_win.update_message("Could not get IP address!")
- if sys.modules.has_key("gtk"):
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration(False)
- time.sleep(3)
- else:
- print "Could not get IP address!"
- return
- else:
- if status_win:
- status_win.update_message("Got IP address. Done")
- if sys.modules.has_key("gtk"):
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration(False)
- time.sleep(2)
- else:
- ip = profile['ip']
- netmask = profile['netmask']
- gateway = profile['gateway']
- domain = profile['domain']
- dns1 = profile['dns1']
- dns2 = profile['dns2']
- ifconfig_command= "%s %s down; %s %s %s netmask %s" % \
- route_command = "%s add default gw %s" % ( ROUTE_COMMAND, gateway )
- if domain != '':
- domain = "domain %s\n" % domain
- if dns1 != '':
- dns1 = "nameserver %s\n" % dns1
- if dns2 != '':
- dns2 = "nameserver %s\n" % dns2
- if ( domain != '' ) or ( dns1 != '' ) or ( dns2 != '' ):
- dns_command = "echo \"%s%s%s\" > /etc/resolv.conf" % ( domain, dns1, dns2 )
- os.system( dns_command )
- os.system( ifconfig_command )
- os.system( route_command )
- if __debug__:
- print "connect_debug %s %s %s" % (dns_command, ifconfig_command, route_command)
- # Let's run the postscript
- postscript = profile['postscript']
- if postscript.strip() != '':
- # got something to execute
- if __debug__:
- print "executing postscript:", postscript
- os.system( postscript )
- def disconnect_interface():
- msg = "Disconnecting"
- say( msg )
- if __debug__:
- print msg
- # Lets clear out the wireless stuff
- os.spawnlp( os.P_WAIT, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, INTERFACE, 'essid', 'off' )
- os.spawnlp( os.P_WAIT, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, INTERFACE, 'mode', 'auto' )
- os.spawnlp( os.P_WAIT, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, IWCONFIG_COMMAND, INTERFACE, 'channel', 'auto' )
- # Now take the interface down
- if __debug__:
- print "discon_debug"
- # Kill off any existing DHCP clients running
- if os.access( DHCP_PIDFILE, os.R_OK):
- if __debug__:
- print "Killing existing DHCP..."
- try:
- if not DHCP_KILL_COMMAND == '':
- os.kill( int(open(DHCP_PIDFILE, mode='r').readline()), signal.SIGTERM )
- except OSError:
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- os.remove( DHCP_PIDFILE )
- if os.path.isfile( DHCP_PIDFILE ):
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- os.remove( DHCP_PIDFILE )
- # Kill off any existing WPA_SUPPLICANT clients running
- if os.access( WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE, os.R_OK):
- if __debug__:
- print "Killing existing WPA_SUPPLICANT..."
- try:
- os.kill( int(open(WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE, mode='r').readline()), signal.SIGTERM )
- except OSError:
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- if os.path.isfile( WPA_SUPPLICANT_PIDFILE ):
- print "Stale pid file. Removing"
- def get_profile_from_conf_file( essid ):
- global config_options
- # We got the essid, get the key
- profile = {}
- if not confFile.has_section( essid ):
- return None
- profile['ssid'] = essid
- profile['key'] = ''
- profile['mode'] = ''
- profile['security'] = ''
- profile['prescript']= ''
- profile['postscript']= ''
- profile['channel'] = ''
- profile['signal'] = '0'
- profile['protocol'] = 'b'
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "key" ):
- profile['key'] = confFile.get( essid, "key" )
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "mode" ):
- profile['mode'] = confFile.get( essid, "mode" )
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "security" ):
- profile['security'] = confFile.get( essid, "security" )
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "prescript" ):
- profile['prescript']= confFile.get( essid, "prescript" )
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "postscript" ):
- profile['postscript']= confFile.get( essid, "postscript" )
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "channel" ):
- profile['channel'] = confFile.get( essid, "channel" )
- # Now normal network
- profile['use_wpa'] = False
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "use_wpa" ):
- profile['use_wpa'] = confFile.getboolean( essid, "use_wpa" )
- profile['wpa_driver'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "wpa_driver" ):
- profile['wpa_driver'] = confFile.get( essid, "wpa_driver" )
- profile['use_dhcp'] = False
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "use_dhcp" ):
- profile['use_dhcp'] = confFile.getboolean( essid, "use_dhcp" )
- profile['ip'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "ip" ):
- profile['ip'] = confFile.get( essid, "ip" )
- profile['netmask'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "netmask" ):
- profile['netmask'] = confFile.get( essid, "netmask" )
- profile['gateway'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "gateway" ):
- profile['gateway'] = confFile.get( essid, "gateway" )
- profile['domain'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "domain" ):
- profile['domain'] = confFile.get( essid, "domain" )
- profile['dns1'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "dns1" ):
- profile['dns1'] = confFile.get( essid, "dns1" )
- profile['dns2'] = ''
- if confFile.has_option( essid, "dns2" ):
- profile['dns2'] = confFile.get( essid, "dns2" )
- return profile
- def set_profile_to_conf_file( profile ):
- if not confFile.has_section( profile['ssid'] ):
- confFile.add_section( profile['ssid'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'key', profile['key'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'security', profile['security'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'prescript', profile['prescript'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'postscript', profile['postscript'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'mode', profile['mode'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'channel', profile['channel'] )
- # wpa
- if profile['use_wpa']:
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'use_wpa', 'yes' )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'wpa_driver', profile['wpa_driver'] )
- else:
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'use_wpa', 'no' )
- # dhcp
- if profile['use_dhcp']:
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'use_dhcp', 'yes' )
- try: confFile.remove_option( profile['ssid'], 'ip' )
- except: pass
- try: confFile.remove_option( profile['ssid'], 'netmask' )
- except: pass
- try: confFile.remove_option( profile['ssid'], 'gateway' )
- except: pass
- try: confFile.remove_option( profile['ssid'], 'domain' )
- except: pass
- try: confFile.remove_option( profile['ssid'], 'dns1' )
- except: pass
- try: confFile.remove_option( profile['ssid'], 'dns2' )
- except: pass
- else:
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'use_dhcp', 'no' )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'ip', profile['ip'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'netmask', profile['netmask'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'gateway', profile['gateway'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'domain', profile['domain'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'dns1', profile['dns1'] )
- confFile.set( profile['ssid'], 'dns2', profile['dns2'] )
- confFile.write( open( CONF_FILE, "w" ) )
- ##################
- # The main window
- class radar_window:
- def __init__( self ):
- # create the main window and connect the normal events
- global signal_xpm_none
- global signal_xpm_low
- global signal_xpm_barely
- global signal_xpm_ok
- global signal_xpm_best
- global known_profile_icon
- global unknown_profile_icon
- global wifi_radar_icon
- self.signal_none_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data( signal_xpm_none )
- self.known_profile_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline( len( known_profile_icon[0] ), known_profile_icon[0], False )
- self.unknown_profile_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline( len( unknown_profile_icon[0] ), unknown_profile_icon[0], False )
- self.signal_low_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data( signal_xpm_low )
- self.signal_barely_pb= gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data( signal_xpm_barely )
- self.signal_ok_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data( signal_xpm_ok )
- self.signal_best_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data( signal_xpm_best )
- self.window = gtk.Dialog('WiFi Radar', None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL )
- icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline( len( wifi_radar_icon[0] ), wifi_radar_icon[0], False )
- self.window.set_icon( icon )
- self.window.set_border_width( 10 )
- self.window.set_size_request( 450, 300 )
- self.window.set_title( "WiFi Radar" )
- self.window.connect( 'delete_event', self.delete_event )
- self.window.connect( 'destroy', self.destroy, )
- # let's create all our widgets
- self.instructions = gtk.Label("My preferred WiFi networks")
- self.instructions.show()
- self.current_network = gtk.Label()
- self.current_network.show()
- self.close_button = gtk.Button( "Close", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE )
- self.close_button.show()
- self.close_button.connect( 'clicked', self.delete_event, None )
- # apname known_icon known available wep_icon signal_level mode protocol
- self.pstore = gtk.ListStore( str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, int, int, str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str )
- self.rebuild_plist_items()
- self.plist = gtk.TreeView( self.pstore )
- self.pcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "SSID" )
- # The ssid column
- self.plist.append_column( self.pcol )
- self.pix_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
- self.wep_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
- self.ssid_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self.pcol.pack_start( self.pix_cell, False )
- self.pcol.pack_start( self.wep_cell, False )
- self.pcol.pack_start( self.ssid_cell, True )
- self.pcol.add_attribute( self.wep_cell, 'stock-id', 4 )
- self.pcol.add_attribute( self.pix_cell, 'pixbuf', 1 )
- self.pcol.add_attribute( self.ssid_cell, 'text', 0 )
- self.sig_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
- self.scol = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Signal" )
- self.scol.pack_start( self.sig_cell, True )
- self.scol.add_attribute( self.sig_cell, 'pixbuf', 5 )
- self.plist.append_column( self.scol )
- # The mode column
- self.mode_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self.mcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Mode" )
- self.mcol.pack_start( self.mode_cell, True )
- self.mcol.add_attribute( self.mode_cell, 'text', 6 )
- self.plist.append_column( self.mcol )
- # The protocol column
- self.prot_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self.protcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "802.11" )
- self.protcol.pack_start( self.prot_cell, True )
- self.protcol.add_attribute( self.prot_cell, 'text', 7 )
- self.plist.append_column( self.protcol )
- # DnD Ordering
- self.plist.set_reorderable( True )
- self.pstore.connect( 'row-changed', self.save_auto_profile_order )
- # the list scroll bar
- sb = gtk.VScrollbar( self.plist.get_vadjustment() )
- sb.show()
- self.plist.show()
- #
- self.new_button = gtk.Button( "New" )
- self.new_button.connect( 'clicked', self.create_new_profile, None )
- self.new_button.show()
- #
- self.edit_button = gtk.Button( "Edit" )
- self.edit_button.connect( 'clicked', self.edit_profile, None )
- self.edit_button.show()
- #
- self.delete_button = gtk.Button( "Delete" )
- self.delete_button.connect( 'clicked', self.delete_profile, None )
- self.delete_button.show()
- #
- self.connect_button = gtk.Button( "Connect" )
- self.connect_button.connect( 'clicked', self.connect_profile, None )
- self.connect_button.show()
- #
- self.disconnect_button = gtk.Button( "Disconnect" )
- self.disconnect_button.connect( 'clicked', self.disconnect_profile, None )
- self.disconnect_button.show()
- # lets add our widgets
- rows = gtk.VBox( False, 3 )
- listcols = gtk.HBox( False, 0 )
- prows = gtk.VBox( False, 0 )
- # lets start packing
- # the rows level
- rows.pack_start( self.instructions, False, True, 0 )
- rows.pack_start( listcols, True, True, 0 )
- rows.pack_start( self.current_network, False, True, 0 )
- # the list columns
- listcols.pack_start( self.plist, True, True, 0 )
- listcols.pack_start( sb, False, False, 0 )
- listcols.pack_start( prows, False, False, 5 )
- # the list buttons
- prows.pack_start( self.new_button, False, False, 2 )
- prows.pack_start( self.edit_button, False, False, 2 )
- prows.pack_start( self.delete_button, False, False, 2 )
- prows.pack_start( gtk.HSeparator(), False, False, 4 )
- prows.pack_start( self.connect_button, False, False, 2 )
- prows.pack_start( self.disconnect_button, False, False, 2 )
- #self.window.action_area.set_homogeneous( True )
- #self.window.action_area.pack_start( self.current_network )
- self.window.action_area.pack_start( self.close_button )
- rows.show()
- listcols.show()
- prows.show()
- self.window.vbox.add( rows )
- self.window.vbox.set_spacing( 3 )
- self.window.show_all()
- def main( self ):
- gtk.main()
- def destroy( self, widget = None):
- global lock
- if not lock.locked():
- lock.acquire()
- gtk.main_quit()
- try: lock.release()
- except: pass
- def delete_event( self, widget, event, data=None ):
- # Save the preferred networks order
- global exit_flag
- exit_flag = True
- self.save_auto_profile_order()
- self.destroy()
- return False
- def rebuild_plist_items( self ):
- # Add our known profiles in order
- global lock
- try: lock.acquire()
- except: pass
- for ssid in auto_profile_order:
- ssid = ssid.strip()
- if access_points.has_key( ssid ) and access_points[ ssid ]['known']:
- wep = None
- if access_points[ ssid ]['encrypted']: wep = gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION
- # 1 here means that we know this ssid ---------------v
- self.pstore.append( [ ssid, self.known_profile_icon, 1, 0, wep, self.signal_none_pb, access_points[ ssid ]['mode'], access_points[ ssid ]['protocol'] ] )
- # Now add any known profiles not in the profile order
- for ap in access_points:
- if ap in auto_profile_order: continue
- wep = None
- if access_points[ ap ]['encrypted']: wep = gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION
- # 1 here means that we know this ssid ---------------v
- self.pstore.append( [ ap, self.unknown_profile_icon, 0, 0, wep, self.signal_none_pb, access_points[ ap ]['mode'], access_points[ ap ]['protocol'] ] )
- try: lock.release()
- except: pass
- def update_plist_items( self ):
- """Updates the profiles list"""
- global lock
- global current_ip
- global current_ssid
- #if __debug__:
- # print "updating profile list"
- gtk.threads_enter()
- if not lock.locked():
- lock.acquire()
- # update the current ip and ssid
- self.current_network.set_text( "Connected to %s ip(%s)" % ( current_ssid, current_ip ) )
- for ap in access_points:
- wep = None
- if access_points[ ap ]['encrypted']: wep = gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION
- prow = self.get_row_by_ssid( ap )
- if prow:
- #if __debug__:
- # print "Setting prow", ap, access_points[ ap ]
- prow[4] = wep
- prow[5] = self.pixbuf_from_signal( access_points[ ap ][ 'signal' ] )
- prow[6] = access_points[ ap ][ 'mode' ]
- prow[7] = access_points[ ap ][ 'protocol' ]
- #for val in prow:
- # print val
- else:
- #if __debug__:
- # print "New profile", ap, access_points[ ap ]
- # 1 here means that we know this ssid ---------------v
- self.pstore.append( [ ap, self.unknown_profile_icon, 0, 0, wep,
- self.pixbuf_from_signal( access_points[ ap ]['signal'] ),
- access_points[ ap ]['mode'],
- access_points[ ap ]['protocol'] ] )
- # give the list a chance to update
- #while gtk.events_pending():
- # gtk.main_iteration()
- try: lock.release()
- except: pass
- gtk.threads_leave()
- return True
- def pixbuf_from_signal( self, signal ):
- signal = int( signal )
- #print signal
- if signal >= 80 or signal == 0:
- return self.signal_none_pb
- elif signal >= 78:
- return self.signal_low_pb
- elif signal >= 75:
- return self.signal_barely_pb
- elif signal >= 60:
- return self.signal_ok_pb
- elif signal < 60:
- return self.signal_best_pb
- else:
- return None
- def get_row_by_ssid( self, ssid ):
- for row in self.pstore:
- if row[0] == ssid:
- #print row
- return row
- return None
- def create_new_profile( self, widget, data=None ):
- global lock
- p = profile_dialog( self )
- while True:
- ok = p.run()
- if ok:
- profile = p.get_profile()
- # Check that the ssid does not exist already
- if profile['ssid'] in access_points:
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
- self.window,
- "A profile for %s already exists" % profile['ssid'] )
- dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- del dlg
- # try again
- continue
- set_profile_to_conf_file( profile )
- # Add lets add it up
- ap = {}
- ap['known'] = True
- ap['available'] = False
- ap['encrypted'] = False
- ap['mode'] = ''
- ap['security'] = ''
- ap['prescript'] = ''
- ap['postscript']= ''
- ap['channel'] = ''
- ap['protocol'] = 'b'
- ap['signal'] = '0'
- if confFile.has_option( profile['ssid'], 'key'):
- if len( confFile.get( profile['ssid'], 'key' ) ) > 0:
- ap['encrypted'] = True
- lock.acquire()
- access_points[ profile['ssid'] ] = ap
- # if it is not in the auto_profile_order add it
- if not profile['ssid'] in auto_profile_order:
- auto_profile_order.append( profile['ssid'] )
- lock.release()
- # add to the store
- wep = None
- if ap['encrypted']: wep = gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION
- self.pstore.append( [ profile['ssid'], self.known_profile_icon, 1, 0, wep, self.pixbuf_from_signal( ap['signal'] ), ap['mode'], ap['protocol'] ] )
- break
- p.destroy()
- def edit_profile( self, widget, data=None ):
- ( store, selected_iter ) = self.plist.get_selection().get_selected()
- if not selected_iter: return
- ssid = store.get_value( selected_iter, 0 )
- known = store.get_value( selected_iter, 2 )
- if not known: return
- profile = get_profile_from_conf_file( ssid )
- p = profile_dialog( self )
- p.set_profile( profile, True )
- ok = p.run()
- if ok:
- profile = p.get_profile()
- if __debug__:
- print "Got edited profile ", profile
- set_profile_to_conf_file( profile )
- p.destroy()
- def delete_profile( self, widget, data=None ):
- ( store, selected_iter ) = self.plist.get_selection().get_selected()
- if not selected_iter: return
- ssid = store.get_value( selected_iter, 0 )
- known = store.get_value( selected_iter, 2 )
- if not known: return
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
- self.window,
- "Are you sure you want to delete the %s profile?" % ssid )
- res = dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- del dlg
- if res == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: return
- # Remove it
- confFile.remove_section( ssid )
- if ssid in auto_profile_order: auto_profile_order.remove( ssid )
- if access_points.has_key( ssid ): access_points.pop( ssid )
- self.pstore.remove( selected_iter )
- # Let's save our current state
- self.save_auto_profile_order()
- def connect_profile( self, widget, data=None ):
- ( store, selected_iter ) = self.plist.get_selection().get_selected()
- if not selected_iter: return
- ssid = store.get_value( selected_iter, 0 )
- known = store.get_value( selected_iter, 2 )
- if not known:
- dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
- self.window,
- "This network does not have a profile configured.\n\nWould you like to create one now?" )
- res = dlg.run()
- dlg.destroy()
- del dlg
- if res == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: return
- p = profile_dialog( self )
- # get a blank profile from the dialog
- profile = p.get_profile()
- profile['ssid'] = ssid
- p.set_profile( profile, True )
- ok = p.run()
- if ok:
- profile = p.get_profile()
- set_profile_to_conf_file( profile )
- # change the icon
- self.pstore.set_value( selected_iter, 1, self.known_profile_icon )
- # make it known
- self.pstore.set_value( selected_iter, 2, 1 )
- # if it is not in the auto_profile_order add it
- if not profile['ssid'] in auto_profile_order:
- auto_profile_order.append( profile['ssid'] )
- self.save_auto_profile_order()
- p.destroy()
- connect_status_window = status_window()
- connect_status_window.run()
- connect_to_network( ssid, connect_status_window )
- connect_status_window.destroy()
- else:
- p.destroy()
- else:
- connect_status_window = status_window()
- connect_status_window.run()
- connect_to_network( ssid, connect_status_window )
- connect_status_window.destroy()
- def disconnect_profile( self, widget, data=None ):
- disconnect_interface()
- def get_ssid_iter( self, ssid ):
- piter = self.pstore.get_iter_first()
- while piter:
- # only if it's known
- if self.pstore.get_value( piter, 0 ) == ssid: break
- return piter
- def save_auto_profile_order( self, widget = None, data = None, data2 = None ):
- # recreate the auto_profile_order
- auto_profile_order = []
- piter = self.pstore.get_iter_first()
- while piter:
- # only if it's known
- if self.pstore.get_value( piter, 2 ) == 1:
- auto_profile_order.append( self.pstore.get_value( piter, 0 ) )
- piter = self.pstore.iter_next( piter )
- # save it
- apo = ','.join( auto_profile_order )
- confFile.set( 'DEFAULT', 'auto_profile_order', apo )
- confFile.write( open( CONF_FILE, 'w' ) )
- ###################################
- class profile_dialog:
- def __init__( self, parent ):
- global wifi_radar_icon
- self.parent = parent
- self.dialog = gtk.Dialog('WiFi Profile', self.parent.window,
- ( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, False, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, True ) )
- icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline( len( wifi_radar_icon[0] ), wifi_radar_icon[0], False )
- self.dialog.set_icon( icon )
- self.dialog.set_resizable( False )
- self.dialog.set_transient_for( self.parent.window )
- #self.dialog.set_size_request( 400, 400 )
- ssid_table = gtk.Table( 1, 2, False )
- ssid_table.set_row_spacings( 3 )
- ssid_table.set_col_spacings( 3 )
- #################
- # The ssid labels
- l = gtk.Label( 'Network Name' )
- ssid_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 0, 1 )
- # The ssid textboxes
- self.ssid = gtk.Entry( 32 )
- self.ssid.set_text('ssid')
- ssid_table.attach( self.ssid, 1, 2, 0, 1 )
- #self.key = gtk.Entry( 32 )
- #ssid_table.attach( self.key, 1, 2, 1, 2 )
- # Add the ssid table to the dialog
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start( ssid_table, True, True, 5 )
- # create the wifi expander
- self.wifi_expander = gtk.Expander( WIFI_SET_LABEL )
- wifi_table = gtk.Table( 4, 2, False )
- wifi_table.set_row_spacings( 3 )
- wifi_table.set_col_spacings( 3 )
- # The Wifi labels
- l = gtk.Label( 'Mode' )
- wifi_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 0, 1 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'Channel' )
- wifi_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 1, 2 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'Key' )
- wifi_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 2, 3 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'Security' )
- wifi_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 3, 4 )
- # The Wifi text boxes
- self.mode = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
- for mode in WIFI_MODES:
- self.mode.append_text( mode )
- self.mode.set_active( 0 )
- wifi_table.attach( self.mode, 1, 2, 0, 1 )
- self.channel = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
- for channel in WIFI_CHANNELS:
- self.channel.append_text( channel )
- self.channel.set_active( 0 )
- wifi_table.attach( self.channel, 1, 2, 1, 2 )
- self.key = gtk.Entry( 32 )
- #self.key.set_text('')
- wifi_table.attach( self.key, 1, 2, 2, 3 )
- self.security = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
- for security in WIFI_SECURITY:
- self.security.append_text( security )
- self.security.set_active( 0 )
- wifi_table.attach( self.security, 1, 2, 3, 4 )
- # Add the wifi table to the expander
- self.wifi_expander.add( wifi_table )
- # Add the expander to the dialog
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start( self.wifi_expander, False, False, 5 )
- # create the wpa expander
- self.wpa_expander = gtk.Expander( NO_WPA_LABEL )
- self.wpa_expander.connect( 'notify::expanded', self.toggle_use_wpa )
- wpa_table = gtk.Table( 1, 2, False )
- wpa_table.set_row_spacings( 3 )
- wpa_table.set_col_spacings( 3 )
- # The labels
- l = gtk.Label( 'Driver' )
- wpa_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 0, 1 )
- # The text boxes
- self.wpa_driver = gtk.Entry()
- wpa_table.attach( self.wpa_driver, 1, 2, 0, 1 )
- # Add the wpa table to the expander
- self.wpa_expander.add( wpa_table )
- # Add the expander to the dialog
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start( self.wpa_expander, False, False, 5 )
- # create the dhcp expander
- self.dhcp_expander = gtk.Expander( USE_DHCP_LABEL )
- self.dhcp_expander.connect( 'notify::expanded', self.toggle_use_dhcp )
- ip_table = gtk.Table( 6, 2, False )
- ip_table.set_row_spacings( 3 )
- ip_table.set_col_spacings( 3 )
- # The IP labels
- l = gtk.Label( 'IP' )
- ip_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 0, 1 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'Netmask' )
- ip_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 1, 2 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'Gateway' )
- ip_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 2, 3 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'Domain' )
- ip_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 3, 4 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'DNS' )
- ip_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 4, 5 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'DNS' )
- ip_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 5, 6 )
- # The IP text boxes
- self.ip = gtk.Entry( 15 )
- self.ip.set_text('')
- ip_table.attach( self.ip, 1, 2, 0, 1 )
- self.netmask = gtk.Entry( 15 )
- self.netmask.set_text('')
- ip_table.attach( self.netmask, 1, 2, 1, 2 )
- self.gw = gtk.Entry( 15 )
- self.gw.set_text('')
- ip_table.attach( self.gw, 1, 2, 2, 3 )
- self.domain = gtk.Entry( 32 )
- self.domain.set_text('domain.com')
- ip_table.attach( self.domain, 1, 2, 3, 4 )
- self.dns1 = gtk.Entry( 15 )
- self.dns1.set_text('')
- ip_table.attach( self.dns1, 1, 2, 4, 5 )
- self.dns2 = gtk.Entry( 15 )
- self.dns2.set_text('')
- ip_table.attach( self.dns2, 1, 2, 5, 6 )
- # Add the ip table to the expander
- self.dhcp_expander.add( ip_table )
- # Add the expander to the dialog
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start( self.dhcp_expander, False, False, 5 )
- # create the postpre expander
- self.postpre_expander = gtk.Expander( POSTPRE_LABEL )
- pp_table = gtk.Table( 2, 2, False )
- pp_table.set_row_spacings( 3 )
- pp_table.set_col_spacings( 3 )
- # The labels
- l = gtk.Label( 'Before' )
- pp_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 0, 1 )
- l = gtk.Label( 'After' )
- pp_table.attach( l, 0, 1, 1, 2 )
- # The text boxes
- self.prescript = gtk.Entry()
- pp_table.attach( self.prescript, 1, 2, 0, 1 )
- self.postscript = gtk.Entry()
- pp_table.attach( self.postscript, 1, 2, 1, 2 )
- # Add the pp table to the expander
- self.postpre_expander.add( pp_table )
- # Add the expander to the dialog
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start( self.postpre_expander, False, False, 5 )
- def run( self ):
- self.dialog.show_all()
- return self.dialog.run()
- def destroy( self ):
- self.dialog.destroy()
- del self.dialog
- def toggle_use_dhcp( self, widget, data = None ):
- expanded = self.dhcp_expander.get_expanded()
- if expanded:
- self.dhcp_expander.set_label( USE_IP_LABEL )
- else:
- self.dhcp_expander.set_label( USE_DHCP_LABEL )
- def toggle_use_wpa( self, widget, data = None ):
- expanded = self.wpa_expander.get_expanded()
- if expanded:
- self.wpa_expander.set_label( USE_WPA_LABEL )
- else:
- self.wpa_expander.set_label( NO_WPA_LABEL )
- def get_profile( self ):
- profile = {}
- profile['ssid'] = self.ssid.get_text().strip()
- profile['key'] = self.key.get_text().strip()
- profile['mode'] = self.get_array_item( self.mode.get_active(), WIFI_MODES )
- profile['security'] = self.get_array_item( self.security.get_active(), WIFI_SECURITY )
- profile['channel'] = self.get_array_item( self.channel.get_active(), WIFI_CHANNELS )
- profile['protocol'] = 'b'
- profile['signal'] = '0'
- profile['prescript'] = self.prescript.get_text().strip()
- profile['postscript'] = self.postscript.get_text().strip()
- # wpa
- use_wpa = ( self.wpa_expander.get_expanded() == False )
- if use_wpa:
- profile['use_wpa'] = False
- else:
- profile['use_wpa'] = True
- profile['wpa_driver']= self.wpa_driver.get_text().strip()
- # dhcp
- use_dhcp = ( self.dhcp_expander.get_expanded() == False )
- if use_dhcp:
- profile['use_dhcp'] = True
- else:
- profile['use_dhcp'] = False
- profile['ip'] = self.ip.get_text().strip()
- profile['netmask'] = self.netmask.get_text().strip()
- profile['gateway'] = self.gw.get_text().strip()
- profile['domain'] = self.domain.get_text().strip()
- profile['dns1'] = self.dns1.get_text().strip()
- profile['dns2'] = self.dns2.get_text().strip()
- return profile
- def set_profile( self, profile, known ):
- if __debug__:
- print profile
- self.ssid.set_text( profile['ssid'] )
- if known:
- self.ssid.set_editable( False )
- self.dialog.set_title( "WiFi Profile for %s" % profile['ssid'] )
- self.key.set_text( profile['key'] )
- self.mode.set_active( self.get_array_index( profile['mode'], WIFI_MODES ) )
- self.channel.set_active( self.get_array_index( profile['channel'], WIFI_CHANNELS ) )
- self.security.set_active( self.get_array_index( profile['security'], WIFI_SECURITY ) )
- self.prescript.set_text( profile['prescript'] )
- self.postscript.set_text( profile['postscript'] )
- # wpa
- if profile['use_wpa'] == True:
- self.wpa_expander.set_expanded( True )
- self.wpa_driver.set_text( profile['wpa_driver'] )
- else:
- self.wpa_expander.set_expanded( False )
- # dhcp
- if profile['use_dhcp'] == True:
- self.dhcp_expander.set_expanded( False)
- else:
- self.dhcp_expander.set_expanded( True )
- self.ip.set_text( profile['ip'] )
- self.netmask.set_text( profile['netmask'] )
- self.gw.set_text( profile['gateway'] )
- self.domain.set_text( profile['domain'] )
- self.dns1.set_text( profile['dns1'] )
- self.dns2.set_text( profile['dns2'] )
- def get_array_index( self, item, array ):
- try:
- return array.index( item.strip() )
- except:
- pass
- return 0
- def get_array_item( self, index, array ):
- try:
- return array[ index ]
- except:
- pass
- return ''
- ### status_window
- ###
- ### A simple class for putting up a "Please wait" dialog so the user
- ### doesn't think we've forgotten about them.
- class status_window:
- def __init__( self ):
- global wifi_radar_icon
- self.dialog = gtk.Dialog(title="Working", flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
- icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline( len( wifi_radar_icon[0] ), wifi_radar_icon[0], False )
- self.dialog.set_icon( icon )
- self.lbl = gtk.Label("Please wait...")
- self.bar = gtk.ProgressBar()
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start(self.lbl)
- self.dialog.vbox.pack_start(self.bar)
- self.dialog.show_all()
- self.dialog.connect("delete_event",self.inhibit_close)
- def update_message( self, message ):
- self.lbl.set_text(message)
- def inhibit_close( self, widget, signal ):
- return True
- def update_window( self ):
- # Do stuff
- self.bar.pulse()
- return True
- def run( self ):
- self.dialog.show_all()
- self.timer = gobject.timeout_add(250,self.update_window)
- return
- def destroy( self ):
- gobject.source_remove(self.timer)
- self.dialog.destroy()
- del self.dialog
- ####################################################################################################
- # Speaking up
- def say( words ):
- if not SPEAK_UP: return
- words = words.replace( "\"", "\\\"" )
- os.system( "%s \"%s\"" % ( SAY_COMMAND, words ) )
- #os.spawnlp( os.P_WAIT, SAY_COMMAND, SAY_COMMAND, words )
- # Configure
- def configure():
- global main_radar_window
- global scanner
- global lock
- main_radar_window = radar_window()
- lock = thread.allocate_lock()
- thread.start_new( scanning_thread, ( lock, ) )
- gobject.timeout_add( 500, main_radar_window.update_plist_items )
- main_radar_window.main()
- ####################################################################################################
- # Initializers
- access_points = {}
- auto_profile_order = []
- lock = None
- s = None
- #sys.setcheckinterval( 100 )
- # First load our conf file and know profiles
- confFile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- if not os.path.isfile( CONF_FILE ):
- # No config file exists, build one real quick
- confFile.set("DEFAULT", "interface", INTERFACE )
- confFile.set("DEFAULT", "scan_timeout", SCAN_TIMEOUT )
- confFile.set("DEFAULT", "speak_up", SPEAK_UP )
- confFile.set("DEFAULT", "commit_required", COMMIT_REQUIRED )
- confFile.set("DEFAULT", "ifup_required", IFUP_REQUIRED )
- confFile.set("DEFAULT", "auto_profile_order", '' )
- confFile.write( open( CONF_FILE, "w" ) )
- else:
- confFile.readfp( open( CONF_FILE ) )
- # Override the defaults
- try: INTERFACE = confFile.get ( "DEFAULT", "interface" )
- except: confFile.set("DEFAULT", "interface", INTERFACE )
- try: SCAN_TIMEOUT = confFile.getint ( "DEFAULT", "scan_timeout" )
- except: confFile.set("DEFAULT", "scan_timeout", SCAN_TIMEOUT )
- try: SPEAK_UP = confFile.getboolean ( "DEFAULT", "speak_up" )
- except: confFile.set("DEFAULT", "speak_up", SPEAK_UP )
- try: COMMIT_REQUIRED= confFile.getboolean ( "DEFAULT", "commit_required" )
- except: confFile.set("DEFAULT", "commit_required", COMMIT_REQUIRED )
- try: IFUP_REQUIRED= confFile.getboolean ( "DEFAULT", "ifup_required" )
- except: confFile.set("DEFAULT", "ifup_required", IFUP_REQUIRED )
- try: auto_profile_order = confFile.get ( "DEFAULT", "auto_profile_order" )
- except: confFile.set("DEFAULT", "auto_profile_order", auto_profile_order )
- # convert the auto_profile_order to a list for ordering
- if auto_profile_order == '':
- auto_profile_order = []
- else:
- auto_profile_order = auto_profile_order.split( ',' )
- # First, we add our known profiles
- for apname in confFile.sections():
- ap = {}
- # set the defaults
- ap['known'] = True
- ap['available'] = False
- ap['encrypted'] = False
- ap['mode'] = ''
- ap['security'] = ''
- ap['channel'] = ''
- ap['protocol'] = 'g'
- ap['signal'] = '0'
- ap['prescript'] = ''
- ap['postscript']= ''
- # read the important values
- if confFile.has_option( apname, 'key'):
- if len( confFile.get( apname, 'key' ) ) > 0:
- ap['encrypted'] = True
- if confFile.has_option( apname, 'mode'):
- apmode = confFile.get( apname, 'mode' )
- if len( apmode ) > 0:
- ap['mode'] = apmode
- if confFile.has_option( apname, 'security'):
- apsec = confFile.get( apname, 'security' )
- if len( apsec ) > 0:
- ap['security'] = apsec
- if confFile.has_option( apname, 'channel'):
- apchan = confFile.get( apname, 'channel' )
- if len( apchan ) > 0:
- ap['channel'] = apchan
- if confFile.has_option( apname, 'protocol'):
- approt = confFile.get( apname, 'protocol' )
- if len( approt ) > 0:
- ap['protocol'] = approt
- #~ if confFile.has_option( apname, 'prescript'):
- #~ prescript = confFile.get( apname, 'prescript' )
- #~ if len( prescript ) > 0:
- #~ ap['prescript'] = prescript
- #~ if confFile.has_option( apname, 'postscript'):
- #~ postscript = confFile.get( apname, 'postscript' )
- #~ if len( postscript ) > 0:
- #~ ap['postscript'] = postscript
- #~ if confFile.has_option( apname, 'use_wpa'):
- #~ postscript = confFile.get( apname, 'postscript' )
- #~ if len( postscript ) > 0:
- #~ ap['postscript'] = postscript
- #
- access_points[ apname ] = ap
- # if it is not in the auto_profile_order add it
- if not apname in auto_profile_order:
- auto_profile_order.append( apname )
- ####################################################################################################
- # Embedded Images
- wifi_radar_icon = [ ""
- "GdkP"
- "\0\0\22""7"
- "\2\1\0\2"
- "\0\0\1\214"
- "\0\0\0c"
- "\0\0\0O"
- "\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377"
- "\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\261\377\377"
- "\377\0\7\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\25\0\0\0\35\0\0\0%\0\0\0-\0\0\0\"\0\0\0\11\327"
- "\377\377\377\0\6\0\0\0\"\0\0\0_\0\0\0\213\0\0\0\266\0\0\0\341\0\0\0\376"
- "\206\0\0\0\377\6\0\0\0\356\0\0\0\324\0\0\0\265\0\0\0~\0\0\0@\0\0\0\10"
- "\315\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0\2\0\0\0;\0\0\0\210\0\0\0\325\221\0\0\0\377"
- "\4\0\0\0\371\0\0\0\303\0\0\0w\0\0\0\31\310\377\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\6\0"
- "\0\0m\0\0\0\342\227\0\0\0\377\4\0\0\0\374\0\0\0\264\0\0\0Q\0\0\0\5\303"
- "\377\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\4\0\0\0d\0\0\0\341\234\0\0\0\377\3\0\0\0\341\0"
- "\0\0`\0\0\0\2\277\377\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\2\0\0\0[\0\0\0\333\240\0\0\0"
- "\377\2\0\0\0\323\0\0\0K\274\377\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\1\0\0\0R\0\0\0\324"
- "\244\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\276\0\0\0#\271\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\31\0\0\0"
- "\277\247\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\363\0\0\0c\267\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0/\0\0"
- "\0\343\252\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\257\0\0\0\24\264\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0M"
- "\0\0\0\363\220\0\0\0\377\14\0\0\0\357\0\0\0\304\0\0\0\230\0\0\0v\0\0"
- "\0l\0\0\0c\0\0\0[\0\0\0j\0\0\0\205\0\0\0\240\0\0\0\311\0\0\0\373\220"
- "\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\346\0\0\0""4\262\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0q\0\0\0\375"
- "\215\0\0\0\377\4\0\0\0\373\0\0\0\300\0\0\0t\0\0\0)\213\377\377\377\0"
- "\4\0\0\0\14\0\0\0E\0\0\0\205\0\0\0\334\216\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\363\0\0"
- "\0D\257\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\230\215\0\0\0\377\3\0\0\0\372\0"
- "\0\0\231\0\0\0\34\221\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0\1\0\0\0C\0\0\0\251\0\0\0"
- "\372\214\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\371\0\0\0W\255\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\17\0"
- "\0\0\272\214\0\0\0\377\3\0\0\0\375\0\0\0\241\0\0\0\"\226\377\377\377"
- "\0\2\0\0\0\"\0\0\0\252\214\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\375\0\0\0k\253\377\377\377"
- "\0\2\0\0\0\25\0\0\0\324\213\0\0\0\377\3\0\0\0\376\0\0\0\252\0\0\0(\232"
- "\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0""9\0\0\0\312\214\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\200\251\377"
- "\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\303\213\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\332\0\0\0""1\235"
- "\377\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\201\0\0\0\374\213\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0p\250"
- "\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\222\213\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\301\0\0\0\22\240\377"
- "\377\377\0\2\0\0\0:\0\0\0\336\212\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\374\0\0\0I\246\377"
- "\377\377\0\1\0\0\0[\213\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\241\0\0\0\6\212\377\377\377"
- "\0\15\0\0\0\2\0\0\0&\0\0\0U\0\0\0\203\0\0\0\242\0\0\0\243\0\0\0\234\0"
- "\0\0\225\0\0\0\215\0\0\0\206\0\0\0}\0\0\0\\\0\0\0!\213\377\377\377\0"
- "\2\0\0\0\22\0\0\0\307\212\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\361\0\0\0+\244\377\377\377"
- "\0\2\0\0\0.\0\0\0\365\211\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\376\0\0\0|\211\377\377\377"
- "\0\4\0\0\0#\0\0\0d\0\0\0\223\0\0\0\277\214\0\0\0\310\4\0\0\0\253\0\0"
- "\0l\0\0\0-\0\0\0\2\210\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\12\0\0\0\267\212\0\0\0\377"
- "\2\0\0\0\336\0\0\0\24\242\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\20\0\0\0\334\211\0\0"
- "\0\377\2\0\0\0\367\0\0\0W\210\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0#\0\0\0\211\223\0"
- "\0\0\310\3\0\0\0\266\0\0\0t\0\0\0\27\207\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\5\0\0"
- "\0\244\212\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\302\0\0\0\6\240\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\1"
- "\0\0\0\264\211\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\363\0\0\0""9\207\377\377\377\0\3\0\0"
- "\0\34\0\0\0\201\0\0\0\306\226\0\0\0\310\3\0\0\0\277\0\0\0Y\0\0\0\2\206"
- "\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\217\212\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\203\240\377"
- "\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\177\212\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0T\206\377\377\377\0\3\0\0"
- "\0\25\0\0\0z\0\0\0\305\232\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\242\0\0\0*\207\377\377\377"
- "\0\1\0\0\0\243\211\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\372\0\0\0,\236\377\377\377\0\2\0"
- "\0\0D\0\0\0\375\211\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\213\206\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0""8"
- "\0\0\0\274\235\0\0\0\310\3\0\0\0\306\0\0\0u\0\0\0\14\205\377\377\377"
- "\0\2\0\0\0\7\0\0\0\306\211\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\306\0\0\0\2\234\377\377"
- "\377\0\2\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\331\211\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\276\0\0\0\3\205\377"
- "\377\377\0\2\0\0\0T\0\0\0\306\214\0\0\0\310\10\0\0\0\260\0\0\0\202\0"
- "\0\0v\0\0\0~\0\0\0\207\0\0\0\217\0\0\0\227\0\0\0\264\214\0\0\0\310\2"
- "\0\0\0\264\0\0\0""2\205\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\341\211\0\0\0"
- "\377\1\0\0\0k\234\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0c\211\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\343\0"
- "\0\0\26\204\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\2\0\0\0s\212\0\0\0\310\4\0\0\0\265"
- "\0\0\0s\0\0\0D\0\0\0\26\207\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0\1\0\0\0+\0\0\0j\0\0"
- "\0\250\212\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\303\0\0\0A\205\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0/\0"
- "\0\0\364\210\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\362\0\0\0\33\232\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0"
- "\7\0\0\0\341\210\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\371\0\0\0""7\204\377\377\377\0\2\0"
- "\0\0\12\0\0\0\217\211\0\0\0\310\3\0\0\0\271\0\0\0]\0\0\0\10\216\377\377"
- "\377\0\3\0\0\0\36\0\0\0t\0\0\0\306\210\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\306\0\0\0P\205"
- "\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0a\211\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\257\232\377\377\377\0\1"
- "\0\0\0n\211\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0h\204\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\20\0\0\0\245"
- "\210\0\0\0\310\3\0\0\0\274\0\0\0c\0\0\0\12\222\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0"
- "*\0\0\0\242\211\0\0\0\310\1\0\0\0`\205\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\276\211"
- "\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0:\230\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\13\0\0\0\350\210\0\0\0"
- "\377\1\0\0\0\250\204\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\230\210\0\0\0\310"
- "\2\0\0\0\213\0\0\0\15\225\377\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\2\0\0\0Z\0\0\0\277\210"
- "\0\0\0\310\1\0\0\0U\204\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0%\0\0\0\370\210\0\0\0\377"
- "\1\0\0\0\265\230\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0y\210\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\372\0\0"
- "\0\40\204\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0o\210\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0o\0\0\0\2\230\377"
- "\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\30\0\0\0\226\207\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\306\0\0\0""7\204"
- "\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0|\211\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0""0\226\377\377\377\0\2"
- "\0\0\0\20\0\0\0\356\210\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\226\204\377\377\377\0\1\0\0"
- "\0C\207\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\305\0\0\0R\233\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\5\0\0"
- "\0\210\207\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\273\0\0\0\37\203\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\6"
- "\0\0\0\325\210\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\251\226\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\204\210"
- "\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\366\0\0\0\32\203\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0!\0\0\0\277"
- "\206\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\275\0\0\0""8\235\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\2\0\0\0"
- "|\207\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\254\0\0\0\15\203\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0J\210\0"
- "\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\375\0\0\0&\224\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\26\0\0\0\364\210"
- "\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\214\203\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\12\0\0\0\251\206\0\0"
- "\0\310\2\0\0\0\305\0\0\0""0\240\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0r\207\0\0\0\310"
- "\1\0\0\0[\204\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\317\210\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\236\224"
- "\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\204\210\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\362\0\0\0\24\203\377"
- "\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\206\207\0\0\0\310\1\0\0\0X\214\377\377\377\0\11\0"
- "\0\0\5\0\0\0$\0\0\0G\0\0\0X\0\0\0T\0\0\0O\0\0\0K\0\0\0B\0\0\0\35\214"
- "\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\214\206\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\307\0\0\0""1"
- "\203\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0V\210\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\372\0\0\0\27\223\377"
- "\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\271\210\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\202\203\377\377\377\0\1"
- "\0\0\0@\207\0\0\0\310\1\0\0\0\204\212\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0\7\0\0\0E"
- "\0\0\0u\0\0\0\222\210\0\0\0\226\4\0\0\0\204\0\0\0T\0\0\0$\0\0\0\1\211"
- "\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\12\0\0\0\245\206\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\251\0\0\0\5"
- "\202\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\331\210\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0C\223\377"
- "\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\342\207\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\356\0\0\0\17\202\377\377"
- "\377\0\2\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\246\206\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\246\0\0\0\11\210\377"
- "\377\377\0\3\0\0\0\5\0\0\0D\0\0\0\212\216\0\0\0\226\2\0\0\0z\0\0\0\40"
- "\211\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\32\0\0\0\274\206\0\0\0\310\1\0\0\0d\203\377"
- "\377\377\0\1\0\0\0a\210\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0b\222\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0"
- "\10\0\0\0\375\207\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0x\203\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0G\206\0"
- "\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\275\0\0\0\36\210\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0""3\0\0\0\207"
- "\221\0\0\0\226\3\0\0\0\225\0\0\0X\0\0\0\11\210\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0"
- "R\206\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\302\0\0\0\23\202\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\5\0\0"
- "\0\342\207\0\0\0\377\1\0\0\0\201\223\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0m\206\0\0\0"
- "\377\2\0\0\0\321\0\0\0\12\202\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\254\206\0"
- "\0\0\310\1\0\0\0J\207\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\1\0\0\0O\210\0\0\0\226\1"
- "\0\0\0\206\202\0\0\0h\3\0\0\0m\0\0\0s\0\0\0\214\207\0\0\0\226\2\0\0\0"
- "\210\0\0\0)\207\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\233\206\0\0\0\310\1\0\0"
- "\0l\203\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0P\0\0\0\374\205\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\337\0"
- "\0\0\"\224\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0s\204\0\0\0\377\2\0\0\0\315\0\0\0\23"
- "\203\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0N\206\0\0\0\310\2\0\0\0\245\0\0\0\2\206\377"
- "\377\377\0\2\0\0\0\6\0\0\0f\206\0\0\0\226\3\0\0\0w\0\0\0""7\0\0\0\23"
- "\205\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0\3\0\0\0*\0\0\0[\0\0\0\212\205\0\0\0\226\2"
- "\0\0\0\222\0\0\0*\207\377\377\377\0\2\0\0\0#\0\0\0\304\205\0\0\0\310"
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- "\4\0\0\0\5\0\0\0P\0\0\0Z\0\0\0""5\213\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0\2\0\0\0H"
- "\0\0\0Z\0\0\0:\320\377\377\377\0\4\0\0\0""4\0\0\0Z\0\0\0P\0\0\0\5\214"
- "\377\377\377\0\1\0\0\0\26\202\0\0\0Z\1\0\0\0\22\317\377\377\377\0\3\0"
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- "\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377"
- "\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0\377\377\377\377\0"
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- "\333\333L\327\327\327LSk\217\212Qi\216\212\314\314\314L\310\310\310L"
- "\305\305\305L\301\301\301L\276\276\276L\271\271\271L\23\23\23/\0\0\0"
- "\10\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\10\40\40\40,\310\310\310K\202\274\274\274L"
- "\3\272\272\272L\271\271\271L\270\270\270L\202\12""0i\377\16\271\271\271"
- "L\270\270\270L\266\266\266L\265\265\265L\264\264\264L\231\231\231K\16"
- "\16\16""0\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\16\0\0\0!\0\0\0%\205"
- "\0\0\0&\205\0\0\0'\12\0\0\0&\0\0\0$\0\0\0\22\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0"
- "\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\4\206\0\0\0\6\203\0\0\0\7\202\0\0\0\6"
- "\4\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0"]
- signal_xpm_barely = [
- "20 20 10 1",
- " c None",
- ". c #C6C6C6",
- "+ c #CCCCCC",
- "@ c #DBDBDB",
- "# c #D3D3D3",
- "$ c #A9B099",
- "% c #95A173",
- "& c #6B8428",
- "* c #B4B7AC",
- "= c #80924D",
- " .+++.",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " $%%%%#@@@@@@@@+",
- " %&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- " %&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- " %&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- " %&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- "*%%%%=&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- "%&&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- "%&&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- "%&&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@+",
- "*%%%%%%%%%+++++++++."
- ]
- signal_xpm_best = [
- "20 20 6 1",
- " c None",
- ". c #9DAABF",
- "+ c #7B96BF",
- "@ c #386EBF",
- "# c #5982BF",
- "$ c #AEB4BF",
- " .+++.",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "$++++#@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "$++++++++++++++++++."
- ]
- signal_xpm_none = [
- "20 20 6 1",
- " c None",
- ". c #C6C6C6",
- "+ c #CCCCCC",
- "@ c #DBDBDB",
- "# c #D3D3D3",
- "$ c #C2C2C2",
- " .+++.",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "$++++#@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "$++++++++++++++++++."
- ]
- signal_xpm_ok = [
- "20 20 10 1",
- " c None",
- ". c #C6C6C6",
- "+ c #CCCCCC",
- "@ c #DBDBDB",
- "# c #A1A5B2",
- "$ c #848DA5",
- "% c #D3D3D3",
- "& c #4A5B8C",
- "* c #677498",
- "= c #B0B2B8",
- " .+++.",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " #$$$$%@@@+",
- " $&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&@@@@+",
- " #$$$$*&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- " $&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- "=$$$$*&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- "$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- "$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- "$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@@@@+",
- "=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$++++."
- ]
- signal_xpm_low = [
- "20 20 8 1",
- " c None",
- ". c #C6C6C6",
- "+ c #CCCCCC",
- "@ c #DBDBDB",
- "# c #D3D3D3",
- "$ c #BFB0B5",
- "% c #C18799",
- "& c #C54F74",
- " .+++.",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " +@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@+",
- " .++++#@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "$%%%%#@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",
- "$%%%%++++++++++++++."
- ]
- signal_none_pb = None
- signal_low_pb = None
- signal_barely_pb= None
- signal_ok_pb = None
- signal_best_pb = None
- exit_flag = False
- current_ip = ''
- current_ssid = ''
- ####################################################################################################
- # Make so we can be imported
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Are we in configure mode?
- if len( sys.argv ) > 1 and ( sys.argv[1] == '--version' or sys.argv[1] == '-v' ):
- print "WiFi-Radar version %s" % WIFI_RADAR_VERSION
- elif len( sys.argv ) > 1 and ( sys.argv[1] == '--daemon' or sys.argv[1] == '-d' ):
- scanning_thread()
- connect_to_preferred()
- else:
- import gtk, gobject
- gtk.threads_init()
- configure()